Krispin Jennez Watson
Oct 31, 20191 min read
"He Then Came Back With a Ring..." ft. Tiera Reynolds | Domestic Violence Awareness Series
Listen in as Tiera Reynolds, model and mom, shares her story as she describes her amazing journey of overcoming an abusive relationship
Krispin Jennez Watson
Oct 1, 20192 min read
The Mindset for Success ft. Dr. Lars U. Johnson
Episode 17: Listen in as Dr. Lars U. Johnson shares his journey and insights on how one can achieve a mindset for success. Learn more...
Krispin Jennez Watson
Sep 24, 20191 min read
Discover Yourself ft. Bamm Jones
Rapper, Bamm Jones is from rom Pachuta, Mississippi a small town in Clarke county. When asked how he describes himself, he states, “I’m a...
Krispin Jennez Watson
Sep 4, 20191 min read
From Teen Mom to CEO
Listen in at author, Tamika Newhouse takes us on her amazing journey from being a teen mom to CEO. She is an author of 16 novels, and winner
Krispin Jennez Watson
Aug 26, 20191 min read
Should You Write a Book? This Celebrity Ghostwriter Helps You Answer the Question
During the So Lux Life podcast interview, Joshua touches different topics such as the process of writing a book, marketing, book covers, etc