Are you pregnant and the baby you're carrying is measuring in the 85 percentile (meaning he's expected to be bigger than 85% of babies his age)? Yeah, me too. The last time I went to the doctor, at 27 weeks, I had already gained my recommended amount of weight (22 lbs), so my doctor told me to slow it down. Read on to see what I eat for breakfast since I am having to watch what I eat.
Being that I'm trying not to stop at Chick-Fil-A to get a chicken biscuit in the morning, I have decided to pack some fruit for breakfast. For tomorrow, I decided to go with an apple and green grapes. Will I get hungry from only eating this? Probably so, but guess what I do to surpress my hunger?
"I drink a lot of water and eat a snack before lunch.”
Pre-pregnancy, I could honestly skip out on breakfast, but with me carrying a child, that is not the best idea, especially with me carrying one the size of my son! I do not have to be at work until 8:30 in the mornings, so I wait and eat my breakfast then. I could honestly eat it prior to work, but I get up at the very last minute and that does not allow me time to eat before I leave the house. Also, eating around 8:30 only give me about 3.5 hours until lunch so it is easier to maintain my hunger until then. For a snack, I usually go for pecans, cheese and crackers, sunflower seeds or pretzels.
I make sure I drink plenty of water so that I do not dehydrate myself. If you find yourself getting hungry, just drink water or snack on something light until lunch. Stay tuned to see my lunch regimen.