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From Jobless To Joyful—My Raw and Unfiltered Real Estate Journey

Writer: Krispin Jennez WatsonKrispin Jennez Watson

It has been a MINUTE since I last posted a blog post outside of the podcast, and let me say this— I apologize. So much has happened in my life over the past year to where it is hard to keep up sometimes, but I'm back and I can't wait to continue to share my journey with you guys.

I took a hiatus from blogging simply because I've been busy beyond belief. I have been busy making MAJOR CHANGES in my life. Since January, my career field has completely changed and I couldn't be happier with the transition. So get wasn't my plan to get laid off from a Fortune 500 company, but life happened. I have never been laid off from a job before, so to come in to work one morning and them tell me that I would no long be with the company was baffling. I had two kids and a lot was happening to where me not having a job was not helping at all...but God!

My mind's first reaction was to panic, but God said, "DON'T YOU DARE WORRY". God reminded me that He has always taken care of me, so for me to start worrying about what was going to happen and to think that He was about to stop providing for me in that particular time was ridiculous.

I looked at everything that was happening as a test.

I changed my perspective. Within my 29 years of living, I have learned that everything that God does is for the betterment of his kingdom. Nothing happens to me to destroy me, but to bring me closer to Him and to praise Him through the difficult times. My job loss happened right before the pandemic hit, so finding a job in the midst of a global pandemic when the economy was shutting down was like finding a needle in a haystack.

This is where God really started to move in my life.

I found a job doing something I previously had experience in, but it was in a job field that I had previously voluntarily separated myself from and just couldn’t put myself through that type of stress again. My peace is more important than anything.

Life kept moving. Three weeks later, after processing what was really happening, I readjusted my focused and activated my hustle. I decided to do something I had been wanting to do for 3 years...Yes, three years went by with me pushing this goal to the bottom of my list. Three years went by with me working a job just to have income, but not really doing what I loved. Three years went by with me postponing my dream of becoming a licensed realtor; but one day, I finally decided to make it happen. I was jobless, so why not? What did I have to lose?

One morning while waiting in the carpool line at my daughter's school...waiting for them to open, I randomly picked up my phone, found a online real estate school and enrolled. I did it. I enrolled in real estate school in February, all while being a full-time single, stay at home mom, and still looking for jobs here and there just because I was not sure what was going to happen. I enrolled in an online class because that was the most convenient for me when it came to working around my kid's schedule. I would have loved to go to a class in person, but my support system is limited since none of my family lives in the same state as my kids and I. The closest relative is 3.5 hours away.

I finally passed my class’s final exam with a passing score (which is a requirement in order to sit for the state licensing exam) in April, and wasn't able to sit for the state exam until June due to COVID-19 testing closures— another bump in the road. June came around, and guess what?! I FAILED MY REAL ESTATE EXAM. Like literally failed it. I was heartbroken because I am not used to failing things. I always felt myself to be pretty smart (I attended college tuition-free on an academic scholarship), so me failing this test literally floored me.

Yes, I failed my state exam, but this was nobody's faulty but my own.

As I've grown over the years, I've learned to take accountability for my own self sabotaging behavior.

The two month time span between me taking my class' final exam and taking the state exam for licensure should have been spent with me doing hardcore studying, but I was busy being a mom and doing other things and really put it off. Needles to say, my failing score reflected that. Although I only missed it by 4 points, I still felt horrible. Mainly because it costs almost a hundred bucks to take the test, and with me being unemployed, I did not want to keep spending money on taking the test over and over again. Something had to shake.

Thankfully, my sweet father gifted me with offering to pay for my exam the second time, but told me I better pass lol. I couldn't mess this up. I was ready to start working and building a real estate career, so I was DETERMINED to pass my exam the second time. I gave myself a month (because this was the earliest I was able to reschedule). Within this 30 day span I buckled down, self disciplined, studied and passed with flying colors. The feeling was so amazing!!! I was sooooooo happy. My family was so happy, and everyone that knew I was on this journey was happy for me. It was like a weight that I had been carrying for months had been lifted off my shoulders.

Sometimes, things don't happen in our favor. The journey of life is an unpredictable one.

We have to keep the faith, evaluate what we're doing wrong, and come up with a plan to succeed.

If you're reading this and you have been faced with a stumbling block, turndown, or a flat out "NO", just look at is as a test. A test to see how you will conduct yourself, handle your emotions, and react.

If first you don't succeed, the late R&B artist, Aaliyah tells us to dust it off and try again. I hope this encourages you to keep going. Start that business, enroll in that class, perfect your craft, get that license, finish that degree, just go after it and kill it!

I am now faced with the challenge of building a reputable real estate business from the ground up, but God has already placed amazing people in my path that are willing to help me and want to see me succeed. Now I carry a new title, which is Krispin Watson, Realtor®.

Whatever you’re doing, do it wholeheartedly and in good faith. Your blessing and breakthrough is going to come. Rid yourself of the distractions and the mindset that is tell you that you are a failure. God wants us to succeed, so remember that and do your part by working and trusting in him.


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